RuneScape Players Wiki

zHotshot is a noob who started play Runescape just before Christmas of 2011. He currently owns around 460k but has a lot of grapes. He is level 50 and is melee

He plays with his friend zFlashBack who is level 41 and a mage and has around 300k.

zFlashBack thought of having 'z' before their names as zHeadshot's Xbox live gamertag is zExperia.

He started playing the game as a friend (zFlashBack) suggested playing it as a joke. They both started playing it and both enjoy it and continue to.

Both zFlashBack and zHotshot both played it while in year 6 at school. zHeadshot was known as 'Tewie 131' and zFlashBack was known as '001 Jack' and 'Heroic Wiz' but also played it briefly while in year 7 but was later permantely muted.

Both boys are in year 11 at school and live in the south of England.
